About PageFramerTM
The PageFramerTM Web Content Management System was created by a group of web professionals working together to build the best website creation tool available.
There are many disciplines required to create a great website, graphic design, programming using diverse and varied languages including JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, extensive knowledge of digital marketing and effective web strategies. Less often thought of, but also important, is a knowledge of networking and internet performance, image and video optimization technologies, and important details such as typical life-cycles and expected lifetimes of a website.
"If you can use a computer, you can manage your website with PageFramerTM."
The team that built and maintains the PageFramerTM CMS is not just comprised of website creation experts, but a diverse group of experts with extensive experience in all areas of digital marketing, website strategy, design, implementation, security, hosting, and performance. You simply won’t find a better thought-out web content management and website creation tool than the PageFramerTM Content Management System.